We believe the Church will successfully fulfill Christ’s great commission to make disciples of all nations, which means the nations will be transformed.
(Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; 1 John 5:14-15; Is. 54:3-5; Is. 60)
We work to leave a legacy and inheritance for future generations. we long for the Lord’s return, yet we don’t know when He will come; therefore, we have a long-term vision.
(Prov. 13.22; Is. 9:6-7; Is. 2:4; Is. 11:5-7; Matt. 25:14-29; Rev. 12:11)
We are not looking to escape the world but to see Christ’s victory manifested in individuals and nations even in the face of resistance and conflict.
(Luke 10:2-3; Matt. 28:18-19; Phil. 3:12-14; Heb. 12:1-3; Rev. 11:15)
The Church is called to overcome at all times—in times of suffering and persecution and in times of prosperity and great influence.
(John 16:33; Ps. 188:6; Is. 41:10; 1 John 4:4; Is. 54:17; Ps. 34:19)
For more on the core values, check out Kingdom Culture by Dann Farrelly.